If your account/email address hasn’t been confirmed yet, please follow the steps below to firstly confirm it.
1. Sign into “My Account” and click “My Orders”
2. Click “Account Settings”, choose “Change Your E-mail Address” and click “Resend Email”
A confirmation email will be sent to your original email address.
3.Check your original address inbox and click the “Confirm your email address” link in the confirmation email, then your account/email address will be confirmed.
If your account/email address has already been confirmed, please follow the next steps to update it directly:
4.Click on “Account Settings”, select “Change Your E-mail Address” and Click “Change Mail”
To protect your account security, we need to verify your identity. We will send a link to your email. Please check your original address inbox for an activation link.
5.Click “Update my e-mail address” in the confirmation email. This will lead you to our “Change Your E-mail Address” page
6.Enter your New E-mail Address and Save